Faculty of Education and Business Studies
Akademin för utbildning och ekonomi


Advanced Academic Writing in Business Studies 7.5 cr

Avancerat akademiskt skrivande i företagsekonomi 7.5 hp

Finalized by: Faculty of Education and Business Studies, 2022-09-27

Valid from: 2023-08-28

Education Level

Second cycle




7.5 cr

Main Field Of Study

Business Administration A1N

Subject group

Business Administration

Disciplinary Domain

Social sciences 100 %


After completing the course, the student should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding:

  • critically discuss and compare various types of academic texts

  • explain the basic elements of academic writing

  • understand the research philosophy and approaches to theory development

  • understand reference systems in academic writing.

Ability and competence:

  • analyse and present academic papers such as journal articles, book chapters, and case studies

  • analyse and evaluate arguments and conclusions in various types of texts

  • use different referencing systems in academic writing.

Values and approach:

  • reflect on the importance of critical thinking

  • critically review what is plagiarism and the consequence of plagiarism

  • reflect on the importance of research philosophy and theories to academic texts.


In the course, the students are introduced to relevant philosophical backgrounds such as ontology, epistemology, and axiology to understand and reflect on their own philosophical position in relation to their academic work. The students are also introduced to different approaches to theory development such as inductive and abductive approaches. In the course, the students also practice how to be critical in an academic writing process and learn the importance of referencing, including how to use references and proper referencing systems .


Lectures, seminars, group work, and presentations.

Entry requirements

A completed Bachelor's degree, corresponding to a Swedish Bachelor's degree (180 ECTS), or equivalent academic qualifications from an internationally recognized university with Business Studies as Major (90 ECTS) or equivalent, with courses (at least 30 ECTS) in organization, marketing, international business, or related subjects. As well as English language proficiency equivalent to English course 6 (Swedish upper secondary school).

Examination formats

Written examination, seminar, oral presentation, and written assignments.

Grading scale

Seven-grade scale

Other regulations

The examiner has the right to decide on alternative examinations for students with documented pedagogical support.

Environmental Class

A minor part of the course content deals with sustainable development


Code Title Credits Grade
0010 Advanced Academic Writing in Business Studies 7.5 cr EC