120 credits
Entry level
Second cycle
Programmespecific objectives
**Knowledge and understanding**
account for central theories in Religious Studies, their scope and limitations, methods and actors /venues
demonstrate deeper methodological knowledge, especially within the chosen specialization, as well as good knowledge of issues relating to current Religious Studies research and cultural research
- describe in the depth empirical knowledge within the chosen specialization in the field of Religious Studies.
Skills and abilities
- independently identify and formulate relevant problems and issues within Religious Studies
- independently define, design and carry out a research task with relevance within Religious Studies and the chosen problem
- synthesize knowledge from different areas within Religious Studies and demonstrate its relevance within Religious Studies.
**Evaluation ability and approach**
- the ability to make informed judgments in relevant scientific, social and ethical aspects of research and development within Religious Studies
- demonstrate insight into the possibilities and limitations of science, its role in society and people's responsibility for how it is used
- the ability to take responsibility for developing their knowledge and their role in community development.
A Degree of Master (120 credits) is awarded after the student has completed the courses required to gain 120 credits with a defined specialisation determined by each higher education institution itself, of which at least 60 credits are for specialised study in the principal field (main field of study) of the study programme. In addition the prior award of a Degree of Bachelor, a Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts, a professional or vocational qualification of at least 180 credits or a corresponding qualification from abroad is required.
Knowledge and understanding
For a Degree of Master (120 credits) the student shall
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the main field of study, including both broad knowledge of the field and a considerable degree of specialised knowledge in certain areas of the field as well as insight into current research and development work, and
- demonstrate specialised methodological knowledge in the main field of study.
*Competence and skills*
For a Degree of Master (120 credits) the student shall
- demonstrate the ability to critically and systematically integrate knowledge and analyse, assess and deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations even with limited information
- demonstrate the ability to identify and formulate issues critically, autonomously and creatively as well as to plan and, using appropriate methods, undertake advanced tasks within predetermined time frames and so contribute to the formation of knowledge as well as the ability to evaluate this work
- demonstrate the ability in speech and writing both nationally and internationally to clearly report and discuss his or her conclusions and the knowledge and arguments on which they are based in dialogue with different audiences, and
- demonstrate the skills required for participation in research and development work or autonomous employment in some other qualified capacity.
*Judgement and approach*
For a Degree of Master (120 credits) the student shall
- demonstrate the ability to make assessments in the main field of study informed by relevant disciplinary, social and ethical issues and also to demonstrate awareness of ethical aspects of research and development work
- demonstrate insight into the possibilities and limitations of research, its role in society and the responsibility of the individual for how it is used, and
- demonstrate the ability to identify the personal need for further knowledge and take responsibility for his or her ongoing learning.
The program comprises 120 credits and leads to a master's degree in Religious Studies. The program is a two years distance program. It includes courses that provide knowledge within Religious Studies on interaction between the individual, society, culture, religion and environment. The program offers three specializations: Didactics of Religion, Leadership and sustainability and History of Religions including Psychology of Religion. It adopts various methodological perspectives on culture and religion: quantitative methods, statistical, data collection, induction and deduction as well as qualitative methods such as phenomenography, hermeneutics, ethnography, social constructivism and action research. After the first semester the students are able through selective courses in one of the three specializations to deepen their knowledge of central themes. The program ends with an independent degree project. One of the program's main objectives is to study how religions are culturally formed in history and in the present.
The master program prepares for the PhD studies within European Union. It aims to provide increased ability to independently, critically and professionally work with religion- and culture-oriented professional sectors in society, e.g. in schools and education, culture and media, aid organizations and in areas relating to integration and cultural meetings. The program's goal is to give students a deeper understanding of how religion and culture interact with each other and how cultural and/or religious understanding affect communities and individuals' self-interpretation, including that how individuals understand their role in acting for sustainable future. The program is designed to strengthen and increase understanding of the interpretative frameworks which influence people's understanding of religion, culture, values, environment, faiths and philosophies of life and that how they contribute to understanding humankind’s role and place in the more-than-human environment. The student is expected after studies to understand, evaluate and analyze central issues and phenomena in Religious Studies including the chosen specialization in such a way that it contributes to the development of sustainable society. The final master thesis is written individually in the main field, it is preparatory both for further research studies and for future working life.
The first academic year of the program will give the interdisciplinary broadening of the knowledge that is necessary to manage scientific issues in religion and in culture. Several methodological approaches are introduced and applied to cultural and religious phenomena (courses 1-4, à 7,5 credits). During the second semester, students choose two advanced courses within a specialization (courses 5-10, à 15 credits). During the third semester, students take two more courses within the chosen specialization (courses 11-16, à 15 credits). The program ends with a master thesis (course 17, 30 credits) primarily within the chosen specialization. During the first year the students' ability to integrate, extend and use their skills from the basic level education to the master level is developed. The continued progression means greater development of the ability to analyze, assess and deal with complex issues within the chosen specialization in Religious Studies. During the second year, higher demands on the students to independently obtain knowledge, to take greater responsibility for planning and carrying out different tasks and show a critical and reflective approach when reporting data and research. Development of skills in academic writing is a part of the program. The program is given in English.
Degree title
Degree of Master (120 credits)
Entry requirements
A first cycle degree comprising at least 180 credits (ECTS), with Religion as Major (90 ECTS) or equivalent.*
English language proficiency equivalent to the Swedish upper secondary school, English 6.
*Certain closely related main areas can, in addition to Religious Studies, be considered to be eligible.
Overview of courses
Year one
Semester 1
1:1 RVA017 100% Contemporary Religious Studies (7.5 credits) A1N Religious Studies
1:1 RVA018 100% Perspectives on Religion in Cultural Studies (7.5 credits) A1N Religious Studies
1:2 RVA019 100% Behavioural Science Perspectives on Religion (7.5 credits) A1N Religious Studies
1:2 RVA020 100% Historical and Anthropological Perspectives on Religion (7.5 credits) A1N Religious Studies
Semester 2
(Three elective specializations 30 credits, two courses within a specialization)
1:3 RVA302 100% Didactical Perspectives on Religion and Culture (15 credits) A1F Religious Studies
1:3 RVA304 100% Leadership – Individual, Society, Culture, Religion and Environment (15 credits) A1F Religious Studies
1:3 RVA306 100% Indigenous Spirituality (15 credits) A1F Religious Studies
1:4 RVA303 100% Didactics of Religion in Transition (15 credits) A1F
1:4 RVA305 100% Leadership, Public Environment and Religion (15 credits) A1F Religious Studies
1:4 RVA307 100% Religion, Death, and Afterlife (15 credits) A1F Religious Studies
Year two
Semester 3
(Two courses within chosen specialization 30 credits)
2:1 RVA308 100% Current Research in Didactics of Religion I (15 credits) A1F Religious Studies
2:1 RVA310 100% Leadership in International Context (15 credits) A1F Religious Studies
2:1 RVA312 100% Contemplative Practices (15 credits) A1F Religious Studies
2:2 RVA309 100% Current Research in Didactics of Religion I**I (15 credits) A1F Religious Studies
2:2 RVA311 100% Future Leadership and Sustainable Action Strategies (15 credits) A1F Religious Studies
2:2 RVA313 100% Enlightened Women and Holy Madness (15 credits) A1F Religious Studies
Semester 4
2:3 RVA801 100% Master Thesis in Religious Studies, 30 credits A2E Religious Studies (joint course)