Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies
Akademin för hälsa och arbetsliv


Sport Science 180 credits

Idrottsvetenskapliga programmet, inriktning hälsofrämjande livsstil 180 högskolepoäng

Finalized by: Joel Jansson, 2024-11-21

Valid from: 2025-09-01




180 credits

Entry level

First cycle

Programmespecific objectives


A Degree of Bachelor is awarded after the student has completed the courses required to gain 180 credits in a defined specialisation determined by each higher education institution itself, of which 90 credits are for progressively specialised study in the principal field (main field of study) of the programme.

Knowledge and understanding
For a Degree of Bachelor the student shall

  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the main field of study, including knowledge of the disciplinary foundation of the field, understanding of applicable methodologies in the field, specialised study in some aspect of the field as well as awareness of current research issues.

Skills and abilities
For a Degree of Bachelor the student shall

  • demonstrate the ability to search for, gather, evaluate and critically interpret the relevant information for a formulated problem and also discuss phenomena, issues and situations critically

  • demonstrate the ability to identify, formulate and solve problems autonomously and to complete tasks within predetermined time frames

  • demonstrate the ability to present and discuss information, problems and solutions in speech and writing and in dialogue with different audiences, and

  • demonstrate the skills required to work autonomously in the main field of study.

Judgement and attitudes
For a Degree of Bachelor the student shall

  • demonstrate the ability to make assessments in the main field of study informed by relevant disciplinary, social and ethical issues

  • demonstrate insight into the role of knowledge in society and the responsibility of the individual for how it is used, and

  • demonstrate the ability to identify the need for further knowledge and ongoing learning.


Other degree

A requirement for the award of a Degree of Bachelor is completion by the student of an independent project (degree project) for at least 15 credits in the main field of study.

Specific requirements determined by each higher education institution itself within the parameters of the requirements laid down in this qualification descriptor shall also apply for a Degree of Bachelor with a defined specialisation.

Degree title

Degree of Bachelor

Entry requirements

General entry requirements

Overview of courses

Year 1
1:1 100% IDG022 Sport science 15 cr G1N Sport Science
1:2 100% IDG023 Anatomy, physiology and exercise physiology 15 cr G1N Sport Science
1:3 100% IDG025 Leadership and coaching I 7.5 cr G1N Sport Science
1:3 100% IDG024 Nutrition and physical activity 7.5 cr G1N Sport Science
1:4 100% IDG318 Applied exercise physiology 15 cr G1N Sport Science

Year 2
2:1 100% IDG313 Sports sociology and sport pedagogics 15 cr G1F Sport Science
2:2 100% IDG317 *Leadership and coaching II 15 cr *G1F Sport Science
2:3 100% IDG319 Apdapted physical activity (APA) I 7.5 cr G1F Sport Science
2:3 100% PSG315 Sport psychology 7.5 cr G1N Psychology
2:4 100% IDG321 Sports, performance and doping 7.5 cr G1F Sport Science
2:4 100% IDG320 Ergonomics, biomechanics and sports medicine 7.5 cr G1F Sport Science

Year 3
3:1 100% IDG027 Body image, culture and doping 7.5 cr G1F Sport Science
3:1 100% IDG323 Adapted Physical Activity (APA) II 7.5 cr G1F Sport Science
3:2 100% IDG601 Theory and research methods in Sport science 15 cr G2F Sport Science
3:3 100% IDG801 Bachelor thesis in Sport science 15 cr G2E Sport Science
3:4 100% FEG002 Business Related Aspects of Sports 15 cr G1N Business Administration