180 credits
Entry level
First cycle
A Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering is awarded after the student has completed the courses required to gain 180 credits.
For a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering the student shall demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to work autonomously as a graduate engineer.
Knowledge and understanding
For a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering the student shall
demonstrate knowledge of the disciplinary foundation of the engineering field chosen and proven experience in this field as well as awareness of current research and development work, and
demonstrate broad knowledge in the engineering field chosen and relevant knowledge of mathematics and the natural sciences.
**Skills and abilities**
For a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering the student shall
demonstrate the ability to identify, formulate and deal with issues autonomously and creatively and to analyse and evaluate technological solutions
demonstrate the ability to plan and using appropriate methods undertake tasks within predetermined parameters
demonstrate the ability to use knowledge critically and systematically to model, simulate, predict and evaluate series of events on the basis of relevant information
demonstrate the ability to design and manage products, processes and systems while taking into account the circumstances and needs of individuals and the targets for economically, socially and ecologically sustainable development set by the community
demonstrate the capacity for teamwork and collaboration with various constellations, and
demonstrate the ability to present and discuss information, problems and solutions in speech and writing and in dialogue with different audiences.
Judgement and attitudes
For a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering the student shall
demonstrate the ability to make assessments informed by relevant disciplinary, social and ethical aspects
demonstrate insight into the possibilities and limitations of technology, its role in society and the responsibility of the individual for how it is used, including social and economic aspects as well as environmental and occupational health and safety aspects
demonstrate the ability to identify the need for further knowledge and undertake ongoing development of his or her skills.
Other degree
Independent project (degree project)
A requirement for the award of a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering is completion by the student of an independent project (degree project) for at least 15 credits.
Degree title
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Entry requirements
General entry requirements for higher education in Sweden and courses corresponding to the following Swedish Upper Secondary School courses:
- Mathematics 3c or Mathematics D
- Physics 2
- Chemistry 1
Transitional provisions
Overview of courses
Year 1
1:1 50% MAG031 Algebra and Geometry 7.5 cr G1N Mathematics
1:1 50% DVG002 Programming Methodology 7.5 cr G1N Computer Science
1:1 25% TMG000 Engineering Portfolio I 1 cr G1N Not defined
1:2 50% DVG009 Computer Systems 7.5 cr G1N Computer Science
1:2 50% MAG051 Linear Algebra 7.5 cr G1N Mathematics
1:3 50% MAG034 Calculus 7.5 cr G1N Mathematics
1:3 50% EE466A Electric Circuits 7.5 cr G1N Electronics
1:4 50% DVG314 Introduction to Virtualization and Cloud Computing 7.5 cr G1F Computer Science
1:4 50% EEG304 Embedded Systems 7.5 cr G1F Electronics
Year 2
2:1 50% DVG328 Database Technology 7.5 cr G1F Computer Science
2:1 25% TMG300 Engineering Portfolio II 1 cr G1F Not defined
2:1 50% DVG326 Object-Oriented Design and Programming 7.5 cr G1F Computer Science
2:2 50% DVG311 Client Development on Mobile Units 7.5 cr G1F Computer Science
2:2 50% DVG329 Algorithms and Datastructures 7.5 cr G1F Computer Science
2:3 50% DVG320 Software Engineering - Development and Maintenance of Software 15 cr G1F Computer Science
2:3 50% DVG325 Introduction to Data Communications 7.5 cr G1F Computer Science
2:4 50% ST010A Data Analysis and Statistics for Engineering 7.5 cr G1N Mathematics
Year 3
3:1 50% DVG504 Datavisualization - Design and Construction 7.5 cr G2F Computer Science
3:1 50% DVG327 Advanced Web Development using Frameworks 7.5 cr G1F Computer Science
3:2 50% DVG324 Information and Communication Technology Security 7.5 cr G1F Computer Science
3:2 25% DVG306 Computer Graphics on Mobile Units 7.5 cr G1F Computer Science
3:2 50% DVG505 Project Course in Computer Science 7.5 cr G2F Computer Science
3:3 50% DVG512 Scientific Method and Writing for Computer Engineers 7.5 cr G2F Computer Science
3:3 50% DVG503 Object-Oriented Design and Programming II 7.5 cr G2F Computer Science
3:4 100% DVG800 Thesis Work in Computer Engineering 15 cr G2E Computer Science