Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies
Akademin för hälsa och arbetsliv


Specialist Nursing Programme - Primary Health Care 75 credits

Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet - inriktning distriktssköterska 75 högskolepoäng

Finalized by: UFN, 2023-12-07

Valid from: 2024-09-02




75 credits

Entry level

Second cycle


A Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Nursing with a defined specialisation is awarded after the student has completed the courses required to gain 60 credits, with the exception of the specialisation in Primary Health Care when the diploma is awarded after the student has completed the courses required to gain 75 credits.

In addition the student shall have been registered by Socialstyrelsen [Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare] as a nurse.

For a Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Nursing the student shall demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to work autonomously as a specialist nurse.

Knowledge and understanding
For a Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Nursing the student shall, in the specific specialisation,

  • demonstrate knowledge of the disciplinary foundation of the field and insight into current research and development work as well as the links between research and proven experience and the significance of these links for professional practice, and

  • demonstrate specialised knowledge of the planning, management and coordination of health care measures.

Skills and abilities
For a Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Nursing the student shall, in the specific specialisation,

  • demonstrate specialised skills in identifying health care needs and drawing up care programmes autonomously and in collaboration with the patient and those close to them

  • demonstrate the ability to direct and evaluate health care interventions

  • demonstrate specialised skills in initiating, undertaking and evaluating health promotion and preventive interventions

  • demonstrate the ability to integrate knowledge and also to analyse, assess and deal with complex issues and situations

  • demonstrate the ability to participate in or undertake autonomously examinations and treatment, including palliative care, and

  • demonstrate the capacity to act as a nursing instructor.

Judgement and attitudes
For a Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Nursing the student shall, in the specific specialisation,

  • demonstrate self-awareness and the capacity for empathy

  • demonstrate the ability to assess interventions using a holistic approach to individuals informed by the relevant disciplinary, social and ethical aspects and taking particular account of human rights

  • demonstrate the ability to adopt a professional approach to patients and those close to them, and

  • demonstrate the ability to identify the need for further knowledge and undertake ongoing development of his or her skills.


Other degree

For a Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Nursing : Primary Health Care the student shall also

  • demonstrate the ability to assess, plan, undertake and evaluate the interventions required to promote physical, mental and social health and prevent the occurrence of illnesses and their complications autonomously

  • demonstrate the ability to observe and assess complex care, habilitation and rehabilitation needs in patients, and

  • demonstrate the knowledge required to take responsibility for health examinations and vaccinations.

Independent project (degree project)
A requirement for the award of a Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Nursing is completion by the student of an independent project (degree project).

Degree title

Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Nursing- Primary Health Care

Entry requirements

Nursing degree comprising 180 ECTS credits, or

  • Degree at the undergraduate level that includes at least 180 ECTS credits, including 90 ECTS credits in the main area of nursing, nursing science or health sciences
  • Identification issued by Socialstyrelsen
  • Professional experience corresponding to at least 12 months of full-time service

In addition, knowledge of Swedish and English is required, corresponding to what is required for basic eligibility for Swedish higher education at the undergraduate level.

Overview of courses

Year 1

1:1 100 % OMA041Public health diseases, nursing science and public health care among within the responsibility of the district nurse 15 cr

1:2 100 % MVA309 Pharmacology and pathophysiology related to the extended role of the district nurse 15 cr

1:3 100 % OMA040 Nursing Science - Scientific method and theory on advanced level 7.5 cr

1:4 100 % OMA043 Nursing science in public health and primary health care among children and youth 15 cr.

1:5 100 % OMA042 Nursing science with focus on preventive, healthpromoting, management and development in the district nurse’s responsibilities 7,5 cr

Year 2

2:1 100 % OMA709 Thesis in district nursing on advanced level 15 cr